Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Selamat Datang ke Blog ni!

Salam dan selamat sejahtera!

Pada post yang pertama ni, saya nak cerita tentang beberapa berita yang agak pelik dan agak melucukan bagi sesetengah orang dan membuat sesetengah yang lain pula berfikir panjang. Kadang kala bila kita baca paper kita tak baca berita-berita kecik tapi sebenarnya berita-berita kaki ni banyak membuatkan saya berfikir dan banyak juga menambahkan pengetahuan saya, hari ni 7 March 2007, di paper THE SUN,

Di Thailand, 5 orang nelayan mati apabila menghidu bau ikan yang telah reput sementara 2 orang yang lain dimasukkan ke hospital. Ikan yang reput tersebut berada dalam satu bekas dan apabila mereka buka bekas tu, mereka pun terhidula bau yang amat busuk dari ikan yang telah reput tu! Bayangkan bau ikan yang reput pun boleh buatkan manusia mati! Betapa lemahnya kita sebagai manusia, dengan bau ikan pun kita tak tahan!

Di China, kerajaan China mengharamkan pembukaan Cyber Cafe baru untuk tahun 2007 kerana bimbang dengan ketagihan internet yang melampau di kalangan penduduk China. Pada minggu lepas seorang guru mati selepas bermain game internet selama tujuh hari tujuh malam tanpa henti semasa cuti perayaan Tahun Baru China! Ni lagi satu berita yang membuatkan saya pelik, Orang China betul-betul dah ketagih internet, saya rasa mungkin sebab kat sana hiburan pun banyak disekat, jadi mereka mempunyai tak banyak saluran untuk mendapatkan hiburan selain daripada internet!

Di New York, Wikipedia, satu website yang sangat popular yang menyediakan maklumat percuma, sedang mengalami krisis dimana seorang penghantar maklumat yang dihormati di website tersebut rupa-rupanya hanya seorang pelajar biasa. Beliau, Ryan Jordan berumur 24 tahun berpura-pura sebagai seorang profesor dan menghantar banyak maklumat kepada Wikipedia tentang Agama Kristian. Sumber maklumat yang beliau gunakan hanyalah satu buku bertajuk "Catholiscisme for Dummies". Untuk maklumat anda, semua orang dibenarkan untuk menghantar maklumat di Wikipedia dan lebih banyak maklumat dan lebih tepat maklumat tersebut, lebih dihormati penghantar maklumat itu oleh pengguna Wikipedia. Nampaknya kita sekarang perlu berhati-hati bila ambil maklumat dar Wikipedia!!

Ni kisah lain pulak di internet,

Di Mumbai, India, Starbucks satu rangkaian restoran kopi yang popular di seluruh dunia sedang bertarung untuk menghalang satu rancangan oleh seorang usahawan Shahnaz Hussein yang bercadang ingin membuka satu rangkaian restoran kopi yang diberi nama Starstrucks! Starbucks memberi alasan nama yang digunakan oleh Shahnaz terlalu mirip dengan Starbucks dan mendakwa Starstrucks ingin mendapat publisiti percuma dengan menggunakan nama tersebut! Saya berfikir, kat Malaysia ni berlambak jenama yang hampir serupa tapi tak kisah pun, sebagai contoh Adidas. Saya pernah jumpa baju jenama Abibas, tapi kenapa Adidas tak bising pun?

Di Karachi, Pakistan, seorang lelaki dikehendaki polis selepas beliau bertindak menggali kubur bapanya yang telah mati 2 tahun yang lalu dengan harapan untuk menghidupkan kembali bapanya! Beliau, Abdul Rehman merampas sebuah ambulans dan membawa mayat bapanya ke rumah. Keluarga beliau memberitahu, Abdul Rehman, tidak pernah dapat mengatasi rasa sedihnya selepas kematian bapanya dan tak dapat terima kenyataan itu! Inilah manusia sekarang, sampai tak dapat terima kenyataan. Harap kita dijauhkan dari benda-benda macam tu!

Di China lagi, Pihak berkuasa tempatan di satu wilayah di China menguatkuasakan undang-undang yang membolehkan mereka mendenda setinggi USD600 pada hotel-hotel yang tidak menyediakan kondom untuk pelanggan mereka, dalam usaha untuk membendung penyakit Aids. Saya rasa langkah ni ada kebaikan dan juga keburukan jika dilaksanakan di Malaysia. Kebaikannya ialah dapat membendung penyakit berjangkit, bukan saja Aids, tapi keburukan jika dilaksanakan di Malaysia ialah ianya seperti memberi kebenaran kepada seks bebas. Ia seperti "Buatlah seks bebas asalkan anda pakai kondom". Orang muda mesti fikir macam tu!

Oklah sampai kat sini dulu hari ni, jika ada sebarang komen silalah letakkan di sini. Cara untuk bagi komen ialah dengan klik "comments" kat bawah. Segala komen anda amatlah dihargai. Kalau nak ulas pasal berita-berita tadi pun boleh, kita boleh bertukar-tukar fikiran! Jika rasa blog ni bagus bolehlah tolong promosi kat kawan lain dan saya berjanji akan tulis yang terbaik untuk pembaca sekalian. Terima Kasih kerana sudi membaca!!
Klik Sini Untuk Beri Komen Anda

Salam dan Selamat Sejahtera!


Anonymous said...

Hi, blog ni agak menarik. Berita yang disampaikan memang menbuatkan saya berfikir! Teruskan usaha!!

Anonymous said...

Gambar keldai tu memang kelakar! Tuan punya keldai tu tak de otak ke? hehehe

Anonymous said...

a,kum.. blog ini memang menarik minat saya untuk membaca cerita-cerita pelik.. tapi apa yg saya baca semuanya cerita-cerita yang berlaku di luar negara.. Apalah salahnya jika dimasukkan atau diselitkan cerita-cerita pelik yang berlaku di malaysia, negara kita untuk tatapan pembaca.. Mungkin ia boleh memberi pengajaran dan pengetahuan serta keinsafan kepada pembaca-pembaca cerita pelik.. Mungkin juga kita boleh letakkan dari segi sudut agama, kemasyarakatan atau sebagainya yang berlaku di persekitaran kita.. sebagai contoh siaran misteri di TV3. saya rasa benda-benda macam ni tak salah kalau kita letakkan dalam ruangan cerita pelik untuk tatapan pembaca.. sekian, wassalam.. sekadar cadangan..

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hehhehe...memang byk citer menarik....klakar gaks:)

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Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... update kan blog ni dari semasa ke semasa yea..... baik utk pembaca semua dari baca benda2 yg x elok.. bleh menambah pengetahuan

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all internal -
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big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
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my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
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all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
tiffany teen -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
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my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
bookworm bitches -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
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dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
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mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
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two chicks one dick -
we live together -
dirty latina maids -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
naughty office -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
big sausage pizza -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
fast times at nau -

Anonymous said...

8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
fast times at nau -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
hardcore partying -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
housewife 1on1 -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
housewife 1on1 -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
housewife 1on1 -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
latin adultery -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
latin adultery -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
milf cruiser -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my first sex teacher -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my friends hot mom -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
girls hunting girls -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
milf cruiser -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my sisters hot friend -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
teen hitchhikers -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
naughty office -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
big sausage pizza -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
bookworm bitches -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
teen hitchhikers -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
so cal coeds -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
dirty latina maids -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
girls hunting girls -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
hardcore partying -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
housewife 1on1 -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my first sex teacher -
8th street latinas -
alll sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my friends hot mom -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my sisters hot friend -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
so cal coeds -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
all reality pass -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
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coeds need cash -
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horny spanish flies -
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mr chews asian beaver -
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all reality pass -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bare foot maniacs -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bus stop whores -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
coeds need cash -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
see her squirt -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
big league facials -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
big tit patrol -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bus stop whroes -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
coeds need cash -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
i spy camel toe -
all reality pass -

Anonymous said...

all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
big tit patrol -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bus stop whores -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
coeds need cash -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
mr chews asian beaver -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
please bang my wife -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bus stop whroes -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
pump that ass -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
reality pass plus -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
reality pass plus -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
teeny bopper club -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
teeny bopper club -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
barefoot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bare foot maniacs -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
big league facials -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
the big swallow -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
the big swallow -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
coeds need cash -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
horny spanish flies -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
i spy camel toe -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
mr chews asian beaver -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
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